
Year 10


Year 10 at Abbs Cross Academy promises to be an exciting and very important year for our students as they make the transition from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 by beginning their GCSE courses. Our students have given a lot of time and thought to the subjects that they wish to study further and now is the time for them to start these courses and focus their energy and enthusiasm on subjects that inspire and excite them. We hope that this will lead them to discover and choose aspirational and exciting career paths later on in life.

Although this does promise to be an exciting year for our students as they embark on subjects that they are passionate about, we are aware that some students may find this transition challenging and difficult.  If you, or your child, have any questions about the courses that our students are undertaking then please do not hesitate to contact me Mr L Bellinger and as their ATL and I will be happy to help you.

At Abbs Cross Academy, we strongly believe that communication between school and home plays a vital part in maintaining our students’ wellbeing and ensuring success and as such, we will contact you should we need to discuss your child’s academic progress, behaviour or attendance with you. Should you have any questions or concerns, please know that you can contact myself, Mr L Bellinger (ATL) and Miss L Branton (YCT). In this way, we hope to continue to build positive relationships between school and home.

We also believe that it is important for students to be able to work independently, therefore homework will be set on a weekly basis and follow a homework timetable, with a timely deadline and completed by students in a well-presented manner and on time. We ask that you regularly view your child’s homework diary with them so that you can see the amount of homework that they are receiving and completing and support where possible at home. It would also be a good opportunity to view your child’s work and discuss the quality of their work with them too. We are also able to support students who need assistance with homework and our library offers a quiet study space should students need it at school. For students who need additional support with organisation of homework or who repeatedly forget homework, there will be a study club available to all Year 10 students once a week to ensure that all independent work has been completed.  We would also hope that wherever possible our students have access to a quiet study space at home so that work can be completed to the best of their abilities.

Our students must be well-equipped for every lesson by having their homework diary, reading book, relevant exercise books/kit and a pencil case well stocked with pens and pencils with them. A full list of necessary items can be located in their homework diaries. Please ensure that your child has an appropriate reading book with them at all times as we believe that literacy is an important part of the school day. All students will be required to read for the first five minutes of every lesson and for the duration of their form time on Thursday afternoons. We believe that this will help to develop their literacy skills as well as harness a love of reading.

We hope that our Year 10 students will find this year both inspiring and challenging and we are excited to be embarking on the start of their GCSEs with them.

I am really excited about continuing to work alongside our students to support their academic achievement as they begin their KS4 courses and look forward to seeing what this academic year has in store for them.

Mr L Bellinger

Year 10 ATL