

Harrow Lodge Primary School - Admission Arrangements Consultation

December 19th 2023

Dear Parent / Carer

Consultation on the admission arrangements 2025-2026 of Harrow Lodge Primary School.

The Local Governing Body are consulting on amendments it is proposing for the 2025/26 Admission Arrangements for Harrow Lodge Primary School (entry September 2025).

The consultation period will run for six weeks from Monday 18th December 2023 until Sunday 28th January 2024 inclusive.

The proposed changes from the 2024/25 Admission Arrangements include:

  1. The removal of the 1.6km cap placed on Siblings previously. This change will ensure that siblings will be able to attend the same school, irrespective of their home address.  
  2. The addition of a “Children of Staff” criteria. The retention of excellent teachers is often compromised when they are unable to gain a place for their child within the school they work. We want to ensure that our excellent teachers do not need to worry about this and, therefore, as long as they meet the requirements set out, their children will be given a higher priority over pupils applying under the distance criteria.   

Please click on the following link to access the proposed Admission Arrangements:

The Governing Body would like to hear from as many people as possible regarding the proposed Admission Arrangements. To take part in the consultation please read the proposed admissions arrangements and send any comments you may have before the 28th January 2024 to

The Governing Body will then consider all responses received by Sunday 28th January 2024 before determining the final admission arrangements by 28 February 2024.