Drapers' Multi Academy Trust - Admission Arrangements Consultation
BackDear Parent / Carer
The Drapers’ Multi Agency Trust are consulting on amendments it is proposing for their 2025/26 Admission Arrangements.
The Trust consists of the following schools:
- Drapers’ Academy – Secondary School
- Drapers’ Brookside Infant and Junior Schools
- Drapers’ Maylands Primary School
- Drapers’ Pyrgo Primary School
The proposed changes from the 2024/25 Admission Arrangements include:
- Simplifying the admissions policy by removing the priority area
- Staff become a priority before the admission of pupils on distance. This is to support the recruitment of best staff into the school.
The consultation period is from Wednesday 13 December 2023 to Friday 26 January 2024.
Please click on the following link to access the proposed Admission Arrangements:
The Trust would like to hear from as many people as possible regarding the proposed Admission Arrangements. To take part in the consultation please read the proposed admissions arrangements and send any comments you may have before the 26 January 2024 to the Chief Executive Officer via
Kind Regards
The Drapers’ Multi Academy Trust