

SEND Coffee Morning 2023

July 10th 2023

IMG 8682

On 6th July 2023 we held a very successful SEND Coffee Morning here in school. We invited Havering Outreach Professionals to attend and were very fortunate to secure the attendance of the Principal Educational Psychologist for Havering, Positive Parents, Add Up ADHD charity, CAMHS Primary Mental Health workers, Havering Emotional Support Team, CAD 5-19 SEN Advisory teacher, Youth Workers, our Peace of Mind Mentor, SEN EHCP Case Officers and our School Nurse.

This was a fantastic event which allowed parents to network and to pick the brains of our professionals should they have concerns regarding their own child. It was also a great opportunity for parents and students with EHCPs or Student Support Summaries to review progress for the term and to set up targets for the Autumn term.

Our wonderful Yr 10 prefects made sure that we were served with refreshments and sweet treats! A huge thank you to all who attended.

Mrs Draper,