Jack Petchey Gold Award
BackA number of Abbs Cross Academy students have won the highly respected Jack Petchey Gold Achievement Award for their efforts and dedication during the academic year.
The scheme is a reward and recognition initiative, which enables student within Abbs Cross Academy to celebrate the achievements of their young people.
During the 2021-2022 academic year, a total of nine gold awards were achieved by students across different year groups and put towards multiple subject areas, of the award winners’ choice.
On the Jack Petchey website, a quote from Jack Petchey reads ‘We do it because we want to help young people raise their aspirations, believe in themselves and make a contribution to their society’.
As well as their Gold Awards, each student winner also receives a grant of £250 which is used for the benefit of a group. Some of the examples of how the grants have been used include museum trips, equipment and purchase of classroom resources.
Below are the winners with detail of why they won Gold;
Daniel and Jamie
Before the summer break began, Mrs Jethwa took a call from the London Ambulance service, to let the academy know there was an accident that took place on the street after school hours. An elderly woman fell to the ground and was unable to get up. Two students, Daniel and Jamie were close by and took it upon themselves to stay by her side, until the ambulance arrived. Both Daniel and Jamie showed sympathy, compassion and maturity, in their support to the elderly woman, who expressed she was extremely grateful they were there at the time of her accident. The academy are extremely proud of Daniel and Jamie’s actions.
Both Daniel and Jamie spent their Jack Petchey funding in the PE Department.
Rebecca has always been quite shy and reserved in school. Rebecca is an extremely talented drummer who has worked hard to find "her loud". Rebecca attends bands club and works as a coach/ teacher for KS3 students teaching them how to play the drums and inspiring the next generation of drummers. Rebecca had to push herself out of her comfort zone in order to do this and now she can be found performing and teaching in the music department on a regular basis. The Year 10 GCSE Music class and Bands Club are proud of how hard she has worked not just at the instrument but also on herself to enable her to take her performance with confidence and teach others. She is an excellent role model for us all.
Rebecca spent her Jack Petchey funding in the Music Department.
Theodore is a good friend, always smiling and always ready to listen. Theodore has had some difficult times this year, meaning that he has had to take time off school. Despite this, Theodore has kept on top of his school work and has excelled in his subject assessments. Well done Theo!
Theory spent his Jack Petchey funding in the Humanities Faculty, towards Sociology.
Hia has settled into Abbs Cross life and has embraced most aspects despite of language barriers. Hia has put in extra hours to bring herself up to date with all subjects and always goes to the LRC to request assistance on tasks if necessary. Hia is so eager to learn new things and is always helpful around the school. Well done Hia!
Hia spent her Jack Petchey funding in the Humanities Faculty towards Geography.
Angelo is a year 7 student who always tries to do the right thing at the right time. He is a caring and thoughtful student, who can at times be a little shy. Angelo enjoys performing, so he started Dance and Drama club. Since then, Angelo has been able to grow in confidence and start sharing ideas with others, as well as making new friends. Well done Angelo!
Angela spent his Jack Petchey funding in the Performing Arts Faculty towards both Dance and Drama.
Cruze has made some big changes this year, especially in his attitude towards others, in and outside of school. A member of the public notified the school to inform us that Cruze helped a man who had been knocked off his bike. Cruze called for an ambulance, stayed calm and waited with the man until the ambulance arrived. This is brave and most welcomed by the community. Well done Cruze.
Cruze spent his Jack Petchey funding in the Humanities Faculty towards Geography.
Gabriel is an excellent role model for the whole of the Abbs Cross community. He is confident and never afraid to speak up. He leads assemblies and always goes above and beyond within school work and as part of the Abbs Cross prefect team. He always tries his best and helps others when in need. Students feel comfortable in Gabriel’s company and his advice to younger peers and his friendship group is valued. We think Gabriel is genuine, funny, friendly and helpful. Gabriel has a strong mind and will speak up to make a change, being the voice for his year group and as a member of Visible Voices, ensuring the best for the Abbs Cross Academy students.
Gabriel spent his Jack Petchey funding in the PE Department.
Grace is one of the hardest working students we know and she participates in multiple clubs and activities, both in and out of school. Grace enjoys learning and passes this on to others, helping friends with their homework after school, as well as checking in on the wellbeing of her form group daily, as form representative. Grace supports her peers in making the right decisions. From primary school, Grace has transformed herself, growing in confidence and becoming a real leader within our classes.
Grace spent her Jack Petchey funding in the Humanities Faculty towards History.
Well done to all the award winners.