Year 9 and 10 Rounders
BackYear 9 and 10 girls played Gaynes and Sanders with a mixed rounders team. In the first innings against Sanders we had excellent batting from Bomi Bello and Evie Dennison, scoring 3.5 and 3 rounders. Willow Penfield fielded exceptionally well, catching a brilliant outfield catch from one of the Sanders batting team. The final result ended in Abbs cross winning 9 rounders to 4.5 rounders.
In the second game against Gaynes school Evie Denison and Willow Penfield scored two rounders each with exceptional positional batting. Ciara O’Connell played well in the shortstop position, covering second base and stumping batters out. An overall win for Abbs Cross of 8- 3.5 rounders, another encouraging victory for Abbs Cross.
Miss Pilling