Globe Players perform 'An Inspector Calls'
The Globe Players, a touring company made up of four highly versatile character actors, brought JB Priestley's morality tale to life in an hour long adaptation of the play. Students were treated to expert analysis of the key scenes and key speeches and left the hall with a more sophisticated appreciation of JB Priestley's skill as a playwright.
At the end of the performance, students took part in a Q and A with the performers and asked interesting and challenging questions about the staging of the play, the purposes of Priestley and the paths that the actors had taken to end up making their living as actors.
The performance will undoubtedly have cemented key speeches in the minds of those that saw it - if nothing else we all now know that the word responsibility or responsible is used 17 times - real evidence - if it were needed - that Priestley wanted audiences to work together to support each and every member of the community. A message we would all surely do well to remember.